Desktop Readers

Computer Guard provides a large variety of desktop readers which support various credentials, such as smart cards, mobile phones or wearables ids. Also, they are compatible with any application on any computer and support all relevant operating systems, too. They secure computer and network logins, as well as email encryption and digital signatures, they provide a reliable tool for enrollment to access control systems, and conform to all relevant industry standards, so you’re assured of worldwide compliance and easy integration.

HID Desktop Readers

Computer Guard, HID Global partner in ISRAEL, offer the full selection of HID’s OMNIKEY® desktop readers with Strong Authentication for Physical and Logical Access

From ensuring speed to facilitating secure environments for data access and identity verification, OMNIKEY Desktop Readers are powered by the latest RFID technology and design to make your applications innovative, reliable and successful.

  • Support a large range of high and low frequency credentials stored in a card, in a wallet on the phone or even within a wearable
  • Integrate easily in logical access environments
  • Offer options for fat, thin and zero-client environments
  • Support all relevant operating systems from Windows platforms to Linux and Mac OS
  • Certified to industry standards, such as PC/SC, WHQL, USB, CCID, EMV 2000 and Common Criteria to ensure worldwide support

The range of OMNIKEY reraders include:

If you would like to find out which OMNIKEY best fit your need please use our interactive tool
>> Choose your OMNIKEY <<

For additional information on OMNIKEY range of readers

מוצרי HID
קורא כרטיסים ודיסק פלאש
קוראי כרטיסים HID
קוראים שולחניים מבית Paragon ID

Paragon ID Desktop Readers 

Computer Guard is ParagonID business partner in ISRAEL. Along with smart cards and tickets Paragon ID is also at the forefront when it comes to hardware. Their offering in hardware is cross division, meaning they can supply the solution a customer would need, worldwide. With ASK’s wide range of couplers, readers and accessories, we can fulfill most of the market demands.  The range of ASK terminals, which includes readers and couplers, is aimed at integrators and software publishers specializing in electronic payment in transport, health and security sectors. The range of ASK terminals is the reference in the public transport sector. the range of readers includes: