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Community Contribution

A cornerstone of educational and moral values

In unwavering partnership with the world of kindness and generosity within the people of Israel, the company consistently makes significant contributions to unique community projects.

These initiatives involve active collaboration with several Israeli associations, including “Tal Chaim”, an association established in 1986 with the goal of fostering a culture of giving from a young age through practical activity in all sectors of the population. It addresses daily problems of those in need and empowers individuals from vulnerable populations.

The flagship project of “Tal Chaim” is “Support for Growth”. Within this project, volunteers from “Tal Chaim” supported by Computer Guard, prepare packages of food deliveries, sweets bags for holidays, and gift packages for the elderly.

Computer Guard, in collaboration with “Tal Chaim,” has established a foundation to support orphans and widows. Through this foundation, they provide daily needs and unique requirements such as weddings and events, medical expenses, special treatments, and more.

“Ezer MiZion”: the largest and leading association in Israel in the field of non-medical assistance to the sick and disabled. ComputerGard, together with “Help from Zion,” funds special initiatives in the department for supporting patients with multiple sclerosis. The company has set up a dedicated cafeteria for MS patients at Tel Hashomer Medical Center, where they provide hot drinks, cakes, treats, and more.

In addition, ComputerGard funds holistic treatments and support for multiple sclerosis patients, such as cognitive training, yoga practice, and more.