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Facial Recognition Camera

Biometric authentication has been trusted by governments and enterprises for decades, with fingerprint authentication leading the charge. Facial recognition, however, is gaining ground everywhere from smartphones to ATMs to airport security checkpoints, thanks to its speed, accuracy and ease-of-use. Organizations have turned to facial recognition for its security and user convenience.

Computer Guard Technologies, HID global’s Platinum Partner distributes HID’s AI Powered face recognition solution. The Remarkable camera designed for facial recognition is:

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HID® U.ARE.U™ Camera

The HID U.ARE.U Camera Identification System is an edge device that delivers top-performing face recognition for identification and verification use cases. 

Collaborating with Paravision, a leader in trusted Vision AI, our facial recognition system is trained using an extensive, ethically sourced dataset across a wide number of racial and age characteristics to reduce matching bias. Paravision’s matching algorithm consistently excels in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Facial Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) — earning the highest rankings for performance and accuracy.

With distinctive AI-enhanced multispectral imaging (MSI) technology and advanced presentation attack detection (PAD), the U.ARE.U Camera Identification System operates with accuracy and reliability even in challenging lighting conditions, while preventing fraud attempts in unattended use cases. 

The camera performs capture, matching, identification, verification and liveness detection at the edge. This on-device biometric processing feature reduces bandwidth constraints, improves performance and enhances privacy — delivering a superior user experience.
HID® U.ARE.U™ Camera Identification System

HID’s facial recognition technology is built on the dependable, flexible and secure matching algorithm from Paravision®, a global leader of computer vision and machine learning. The strategic alliance of the two leaders brings together HID’s long history of trusted identity solutions with Paravision’s world-leading face recognition algorithms, providing a uniquely positioned combination for strong identity.

For more information see:
AI-Powered Facial Recognition

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