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Key Ceremony and Encoding Software

Key Ceremony is a process in which unique encryption keys are generated for a customer, which can be then loaded onto the employee/organization cards and correspondingly also onto the access control readers. In this way, the customer dramatically improves his level of security in the organization. One example: it greatly reduces the chance of duplicating an employee’s ID (identity) and moving around the organization in an unauthorized manner.

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תוכנה לחילול וקידוד מפתחות הצפנה

Computer Guard has developed a unique tool for creating keys (Key Ceremony) and we offer this service for our customers. In this process, we perform the ceremony and creation of the keys according to the client’s security requirement, transfer the keys that were created to him and to his sole responsibility, that is, we completely delete them from our system for absolute certainty of the security protocol of the process.